MIS4TEL Conference

MIS4TEL Conference

In June 2024 Fuad Budagov attended Salamanca Tech Summit to present his latest article titled “A Systematic Literature Review on the Applicability of Robot Assistants in Higher Education” that he co-authored with Janika Leoste, Mohammad Tariq Meeran, and Tarmo Robal on a Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL)

This summit took place at the Palacio de Congresos de Salamanca in June 26-28 and transformed Salamanca into a hub of technological innovation, featuring experts from top companies. As Fuad put it later on, “it was inspiring to be among leading minds discussing the latest advancements in educational technology, artificial intelligence, and more. The discussions and feedback we received were invaluable, providing new insights and perspectives on our research. Additionally, networking with peers and industry leaders has opened up potential collaborations for future projects. Overall, it was a rewarding experience that highlighted the important role of technology in enhancing education”.

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About Creativity Matters

“Creativity Matters” is a reseach group in Tallinn University of Technology IT College. The areas of interest inculde hybrid learning, telepresence robots and teaching didactics
