Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24)

Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24)

Our research group recently had the pleasure of participating in the 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24) held at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in Spain. This event brought together academics, researchers, and educators from around the globe to share ideas, experiences, and best practices in teaching methodologies and educational systems.

Our paper, “The Potential of Using Social Service Robots in the Healthcare Environment” which focuses on Health and Medical Education, was presented by Kristel Marmor. Her engaging presentation sparked an active discussion about the future of healthcare with robots. We had insightful exchanges with colleagues, exploring the potential and challenges of integrating social service robots into healthcare settings. The paper is accessible open-access and available here.

Additionally, our research group team lead Janika Leoste conducted one of the three workshops titled “Hacking a Hackathon: Best Practices for Impactful EdTech Hackathons, with an AI Twist!!”. This session provided participants with innovative strategies for organizing effective and engaging hackathons.

The HEAd’24 conference was a remarkable experience, allowing us to network with peers, gain new insights, and present our work on social service robots in healthcare. We look forward to continuing these discussions and advancing our research in this exciting field.

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About Creativity Matters

“Creativity Matters” is a reseach group in Tallinn University of Technology IT College. The areas of interest inculde hybrid learning, telepresence robots and teaching didactics