Researcher's night 2023

Researcher's night 2023

What happens once a year, brings together a lot of great people and creates a holiday atmosphere? Is it Christmas? Birthday? No, it’s the Researchers’ Night!

The Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event that aims to bring research and researchers closer to the public, promote excellent research projects, increase the interest of young people in science and research careers, and showcase the impact of researchers’ work on people’s daily lives. Tallinn University of Technology takes the most active part in this event and our research group was happy to make its contribution.

As the Researcher’s Night is a public event rather than scientific, we equipped Temi with a couple applications that we wrote, including access to ChatGPT via API and Estonian speech recognition engine to make it more fun to interract. Aleksei Talisainen and Leo Leoste were representing our research group on site and Janika Leoste was telepresented from Spain.

Fast forward TalTech official video trailer to 0:06, we have the whole 0.5 seconds dedicated to our research – don’t miss it!

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About Creativity Matters

“Creativity Matters” is a reseach group in Tallinn University of Technology IT College. The areas of interest inculde hybrid learning, telepresence robots and teaching didactics