Robot introduction in Viljandi hospital

Robot introduction in Viljandi hospital

The town of Viljandi in not among those you ever heard of, unless you are from Estonia yourself, however Viljandi hospital is one of the biggest in the country as it provides its service to a substantial part of it.

But what sets Viljandi hospital apart is not just its idyllic location; it is an innovative hospital with professional staff that embraces new technology, and we were wondering if telepresence robots could be just the one. Intrigued? So were we.

As already mentioned, Viljandi Hospital stands apart from its metropolitan counterparts, facing unique challenges and opportunities. One of its interests lies in the realm of robotic solutions for patient interviews and this is where an autonomously moving robot with an interactive screen could be of great assistance - so far, someone from outside the hospital has had to conduct the interviews and with telepresence robots the hospital could rely on technology to streamline the process.

In addition to that we discussed the possibilities of using telepresence robots in the development of the concept of a home hospital, and we agreed to have our next meeting in the second half of September to establish further plans more concretely.

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About Creativity Matters

“Creativity Matters” is a reseach group in Tallinn University of Technology IT College. The areas of interest inculde hybrid learning, telepresence robots and teaching didactics