Our presentation on Robot2022 conference in Zaragoza

Our presentation on Robot2022 conference in Zaragoza

Although this post was intended to give some insights on the article presentation, it is impossible to pass over the venue of the conference - University of Zaragoza, established in 1542, but still in all its glory.

The topic of the presentation delivered by Aleksei Talisainen was “ Higher Education Teachers’ perceptions about teaching and learning related qualities of telepresence robots”. The slides of the presentation are available here and below you will find a brief overview of the report.

Aleksei Talisainen's presentation in Zaragoza

The research focused on three aspects of telepresence robots’ usage: how do higher education teachers percieve the priorities of robots’ features and what requirements should be imposed on the environment, where the robots are used, and what teaching methods are best suitable.

The participants reached the conclusion that using relepresence robots during lectures is not feasible, as it does not add any value to teleconferencing and is impossible in any activities that involve manual work or object manipulation. As for group work, pair work, problem learning, role play, and most other activities telepresence robots offer a good alternative to other kinds of remote participation. More detailed information on the results of the study as well as quantitative data is availabe upon requrest of from the presentation slides.

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About Creativity Matters

“Creativity Matters” is a reseach group in Tallinn University of Technology IT College. The areas of interest inculde hybrid learning, telepresence robots and teaching didactics
